Software for handling daily operations of a retail store including stock, purchase, sales, billing. Staff details, mode of payment, discount option etc. Barcode for stock entry, sale and stock auditing.
Web Technology 1: LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySql + PHP + HTML + Javascript + CSS + AJAX)
Web Technology 2: J2EE (JAVA + JSP + Apache Tomcat + MySql + HTML + Javascript + CSS + AJAX)
Desktop Technology 1: J2SE (JAVA + Swings + MySql)
Desktop Technology 2: .NET (.NET + Windows + Sql Server)
Additional Hardware: Barcode Machine, Barcode Printer, Billing Printer
Modules to work on in summer training
- Desktop version in JAVA
- Desktop version in .NET
- Modifications in web version
- Reporting with crystal reports
- PDF creation
- Data import from excel
- Data export to excel
- stock entry, update history
- Barcode printing module
- Stock audit
- Staff attendance
- Staff performance analysis
- Limited period discount
- Sales analysis
- Stock analysis
Retail stores, departmental store, garment store, book store, super market,
grocery store, footware store, apparel store, furniture store, sweet shop, boutique, cosmetic store, electronic store,
computer store, mobile store, greetings gallery, CD gallery, gift shop, and many more