CCE: PARIKSHAPHAL, a web based progress report card software system designed according to CCE guidelines of C.B.S.E. it simplifies the task of creating report card by providing real time access to teachers, class teachers and principals.
With CCE: PARIKSHAPHAL, the tedious process of report card generation is reduced to a few mouse clicks....
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Software for handling daily operations of a retail store including stock, purchase, sales, billing. Staff details, mode of payment, discount option etc. Barcode for stock entry, sale and stock auditing.
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Hospital Management Software
Complete management software for Hospitals, including doctors database, doctors appointments, patient database, patient history, patient billing, test reports, OPD/IPD/ Emergency, staff database.
Read More....Hotel Room Booking System
Booking software for hotels, guest house, includes room details, guest history, advance booking option, bulk booking, room occupancy detail, room availability detail, house keeping, billing etc.
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Enquiry to Addmission Process Management Solution
Sofware for management of entire admission process starting for a query to fee submission.
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Fees management software for schools, colleges & institutes. Including fee slip generation, fee collection, defaulters report, transport fee, daily fee collection report, monthly defaulter list, quarterly defaulter list, student fee summary, fee deposit details, students ledger, sibling fee concession, special fee concession, staff ward, annual fee and charges, option for monthly or quarterly fee payment, advance fee deposit etc.

Library software for schools, colleges and offices. Including book issue/return, book acquisition, barcoding, stock checking, easy book search option, book defaulters details, fine collection, book issue history of any member, special membership option for teachers/officers and administrators. Book classification as per users requirement, book labeling, book shelving etc.
Read More....Sarmang Medicare
Medical billing software for chemists and hospitals. Including sale, purchase, return, sales report, daily cash collection, discount option, credit sale option, stock alert, expiry alert, automatic VAT calculation.
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Complete management solution for schools, colleges and organisations. Including admission, fee, staff, attendance, report card, student register, TC, time table, transport, student health record, billing..
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Attendance, daily vehicle travel route with time, vehicle service details, vehicle maintenance details.Transportation management solution for schools, colleges and organisations. Including vehicle details, drivers master, routes, drivers duty chart, fuel consumption, stoppages in the routes, attendance report of travelers, drivers
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Customized, web based report card solution for schools, colleges and institutes. Including bulk data entry, excel file import, bulk printing, customized setting, automated position and rank calculation, easy printing support.
Read More....Sarmang Pharma
Customized web based software for pharma industry, including purchase, sale, billing, dispatch, accounting, manufacturing, consumption report, product order, stock, stock auditing
Read More....Customized, web based solution for professionals and organisations to maintain clients/customers records, appointment history, work history, meeting schedules, billing, payment history, payment defaulters, payment defaulter alert, work status alert.
Read More....Daily task management and monitoring software for offices, including employee database, projects database, assign project team, allot work to team members, view status of task assigned to team members. List of ongoing tasks, list of completed tasks, list of billed tasks, list of unbilled tasks,
list of tasks not been started, non assigned tasks. Team members performance chart. Read More....
1-D & 2-D Barcode enabled inventory management solution for asset management. Including inventory entry, inventory audit, 2-D barcode printing, 2-D barcode reading. Inventory report, easy to search inventory record.
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