1-D & 2-D Barcode enabled inventory management solution for asset management. Including inventory entry, inventory audit, 2-D barcode printing, 2-D barcode reading. Inventory report, easy to search inventory record.
Web Technology 1: LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySql + PHP + HTML + Javascript + CSS + AJAX)
Web Technology 2: WAOP (Windows + Apache + Oracle + PHP + HTML + Javascript + CSS + AJAX)
Additional Hardware: 1-D Barcode Scanner, 2-D Barcode Scanner, Barcode Printer
Modules to work on in summer training
- Stock audit
- Asset tagging
- Physical Asset Mapping
- Asset code generation
- Barcode Printing
- Barcode Reading
- Inventory Audit
- Inventory User Mangement
- Inventory Holder Management
- Inventory User Rights Mangement
- Inventory Movement History
- Inventory Search
Industry :
Government, Education
Clients to Handle :
Software Development Life Cycle Stage
: Requirement, designing, re-designing, coding, testing, installation, support & service