Customized, web based report card solution for schools, colleges and institutes. Including bulk data entry, excel file import, bulk printing, customized setting, automated position and rank calculation, easy printing support
Web Technology 1: LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySql + PHP + HTML + Javascript + CSS + AJAX)
Web Technology 2: J2EE (JAVA + JSP + Apache Tomcat + MySql + HTML + Javascript + CSS + AJAX)
Desktop Technology 1: J2SE (JAVA + Swings + MySql)
Desktop Technology 2: .NET (.NET + Windows + Sql Server)
Modules to work on in summer training
- Desktop version in JAVA
- Desktop version in .NET
- Modifications in web version
- Reporting with crystal reports
- PDF creation
- Data import from excel
- Data export to excel
- Co-Curricular Activities
- Consolidated Reports
- Teachers Remarks
- Pre-Board Result
- Marks entry, update history
- Result Analysis
Industry :Education
Any Educational Institution
Clients to Handle :30+
Software Development Life Cycle Stage
Requirement, designing, re-designing, coding, testing, installation, support & service