Office Task Manager
Daily task management and monitoring software for offices, including employee database, projects database, assign project team, allot work to team members, view status of task assigned to team members. List of ongoing tassks, list of colpmeted tasks, list of billed tasks, list of unbilled tasks, list of tasks not been started, non assigned tasks. Team members performance chart.
Web Technology 1: LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySql + PHP + HTML + Javascript + CSS + AJAX)
Modules to work on in summer training
- Client Master
- Service Master
- Employee Master
- Task Allotment
- Task Allotment History
- Task Opener
- Task Re-Schedular
- Task Closer
- Software Logger
- Log Analysis and Reporting
- Billing
- Payment Reminder
- Payment Defaulters
- Blacklister
- Work flow management
- Task reminder
Any offices with 10+ employees
Clients to Handle :3+
Software Development Life Cycle Stage
Requirement, designing, re-designing, coding, testing, installation, support & service