Fees management software for schools, colleges & institutes. Including fee slip genegration, fee collection, defaulters report, transport fee, daily fee collection report, monthly defaulter list, quarterly defaulter list, student fee summary, fee deposit details, students ledger, sibling fee concession, special fee concession, staff ward, annual fee and charges, option for monthly or quarterly fee payment, advance fee deposit etc.
Web Technology 1: LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySql + PHP + HTML + Javascript + CSS + AJAX)
Web Technology 2: J2EE (JAVA + JSP + Apache Tomcat + MySql + HTML + Javascript + CSS + AJAX)
Desktop Technology 1: J2SE (JAVA + Swings + MySql)
Desktop Technology 2: .NET (.NET + Windows + Sql Server)
Modules to work on in summer training
- Desktop version in JAVA
- Desktop version in .NET
- Modifications in web version
- Reporting with crystal reports
- Fee import from excel
- Monthly Defaulters
- Head wise daily fee collection report
- Class wise defaulter list
- Transport Module
Schools, colleges, institutes & universities