Why do undergo Industrial Training

Why to undergo Industrial Training?

Training means an organized activity aimed at imparting required skills set, information or knowledge to improve the recipient's performance or to help him/her to meet their career goals. Nowadays technology is developing continuously and at a faster rate, what is new today get obsolete within an hour. System and practises getting outdated soon with the development and discoveries of new technology .If we failed catching up its pace or do not adapt themselves with new growing technology demands, soon we get stale.

Training is essential for everyone whether it is student, professional, jobseeker or employee .It imparts them with necessary skills sets, increase their contribution and effectiveness and opens the door of bright career opportunities. Realising the importance of training, Technical Board of Education makes Industrial training mandatory in engineering curriculum.

Industrial training: It refers to a program which aims to provide supervised practical training within specific time frame. Industrial training provides an opportunity to experience real work situation and accelerate learning by practically experiencing all sorts of things which students have learnt in the class room.

Objective of Industrial Training

Nowadays students are running merely to collect certificate paying no attention to their industrial training due to which there is serious lack of trained professionals with the desired skill sets in the IT industry. Students have to seriously think that where they want to see themselves in the future because certificate is no use without practical experience. During final placement the first question that is asked by the recruiter is about their industrial training and the project handled because it reflected the candidates knowledge and skills on their respective domain.

If students want to give kick start to their career where there will be endless job opportunities, joining industrial training is must not only for certificate but for practical experience. Industrial training incorporates them with the integrated learning environment blended with practical knowledge, hands on exposure and project based learning giving extra advantage to their career.